Tuesday 31 January 2017

Evaluation 2 - How Does Your Media Product Represent Particualr Social Groups?


                                      Jo Michell

I'm comparing Faye from our film opening OMG to Jo Mitchell from Mean Girls 2. Both girls are wearing similar clothes, a black leather jackets and skinny denim jeans. Stereotypically this is what teenage girls are known to wear due to the fact these items of clothing are seen as stylish and fashionable. Though both characters are seen as innocent their poses appear to be confident and they are both posing for the camera therefore following the stereotype of teenage girls caring about what they look like and what other people think of their apperance. They both have blonde, straight hair and blue eyes. Overall, I think these elements of the photographs represent a normal teenage girl social group due to the fact there is nothing extreme or obscure about the way they look. This particular social group of people are shown throughout our film opening OMG. Both teenagers are seen as innocent and friendly. Stereotypically blonde females in teen angst films are seen as the mean girls due to the fact blonde hair is  normally associated with perfection and looking like a Barbie doll. But our film opening challenges this representation because instead Faye's blonde hair represents purity and this is also the case with Jo from Mean Girls 2. 

I am comparing Charlie and Arron.
Both boys are seen to be wearing a t shirt, this item of clothing is seen as casual but still stylish therefore connoting that both boys make an effort with their appearance. They both are smirking, posing in this way often connotes confidence and arrogance therefore showing that both boys are confident in the the way they look. Both boys hair is slightly styled therefore showing that they take pride in their appearance. These elements of the photographs suggest a popular teenage boy social group.

 Both boys are seen as confident and attractive. In both Mean Girls and our filming open these boys are seen as the school heart throbs. Our film opening follows the stereotype of an attractive, popular and confident boy getting all the attention form teenage girls. 


I am comparing Damian and Christian. Both boys in each film are homosexual. Both boys are seen to be posing a feminine way therefore stereotypically connoting that they are homosexual. Due to the fact they are posing confidently suggests that they are both open about their sexualities, this is commonly seen in teen angst films as there is normally a 'gay best friend'. Due to these elements they are both from the same social groups because they are both homosexual. Although, Christian is dressed more casual due to the fact he is wearing a bomber jacket and cap, whereas Damian is in a shirt. Christians outfit would generally be seen as more stylish due to the fact teenagers stereotypically prefer casual clothes.

The Mean Girls
The Triple L's

I am comparing The Triple L's and The Mean Girls, The Triple L's are from England and The Mean Girls are from America. Both groups are posing in similar ways with a fierce pose on their faces connoting that they think they are better than everyone else at their schools. The Mean Girls are seen to be wearing short skirts and mainly the colour pink, the items of clothing they are wearing are climate appropriate for an American high school. Due to the fact they are wearing pink also connotes that they are feminine because pink is generally associated with girls. The Triple L's are seen to be wearing jeans or a dress with tights. Not only is this causal attire more realistic for an English school it is also climate appropriate too. They are also wearing darker colours such a black channeling the stereotype of mean girls dressing 'girly' and wearing the colour pink. Stereotypically the main mean girl is blonde because blonde hair is stereotypically seen as perfect and like a barbie doll,  our film opening has challenged this stereotype because our main mean girl is ginger. Due to all of these elements both groups are from a popular social group.


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