Thursday 12 January 2017


We used alcohol bottles during our filming of the party scene. We did this because underage drinking if often seen in teen angst films and is also stereotypically what teenagers are seen to do. Therefore by doing this not only did it make the party realistic but it also connoted that our film is teen angst .

We also used a selfie stick, not only to take the selfies of our characters but to also connote the fact it is a teen angst film. The selfie stick is a new and current thing teenagers are viewed to be up to date with trends therefore this helps to connote a teen angst film.

This is the phone that we used for an alarm when Faye (Cerys Thompson) is woken up. We deiced to use a smart phone instead of an alarm clock because most teenagers are known to have smart phones and be on their phones a lot of the time therefore this would help to connote a teen angst film.

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