Thursday, 19 January 2017

Settings - School Scene

Our final setting used in our film opening was Longsands Academy. This connotes a teen angst film due to the fact a secondary school is associated with teenagers because this is where they go. School scenes are often used in teen angst films, for example the film Easy A opens with the setting of a secondary school.

This is where Faye (Cerys Thompson) is first shown back at school after the drama of the weekend.

This is where Faye and Christian (Niall Hay) walk into the school linking arms.

This is the door that they open to enter the school.

This is also showing where they enter the school but from a different angle.

These are the stairs that Charlie (Johnny Crook) walks down when he bumps into Faye and asks to talk to her.

This is the angle where Faye and Christian are shown walking out of the class room door, this is also where Charlie asks to talk to Faye and where the Triple L's then also approach Faye.

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