Thursday, 12 January 2017

Settings - The Party Scene

One of the settings have used is a house where the party occurs, this is a typical setting for a party in a teen angst film therefore this is partly why we used it.

This is the outside of the house where the party is, this is where the group of friends filmed walking up to the from door.

This is the front door where the group of friends ring the door bell at to be let into the house party.

This is the view of the front door from the inside of the house, this is where Lucy (the girl whose party it is and one of the mean girls) lets her friends in.

This is the kitchen where the main part of the party is. This also helps to connote a teen angst film because parties in this genre of film are often seen in the kitchen.

These are the stairs where the triple L's (the mean girls) see Charlie (the school heart throb) rushing past them. 

This is at the top of the stairs where you see the triple L's rushing to the bedroom to find out what is going on. 

This is the bedroom where the triple L's find Faye in bed. The bedroom is quite plain but has mirrors and makeup in the background therefore connoting a feminine theme. Also the plain colours such as the white connotes a teenage theme because often teenagers prefer having a\more basic, plain room.

1 comment:

  1. Good but you need to link the settings back to the extensive research you did, I'd where you got your inspiration from for these.
