Thursday, 19 January 2017

Changes To OMG

An example of one of the 'selfies' we are going to used in our montage. 

  • One thing that we are adding to our film is instead of introducing each character whilst they walk through the party we are now going to use a montage. This where a series of 'selfies' are going to be used of our characters and underneath will be the name of the character and the name of the actor. We added this change because using 'selfies' is very relatable to the target audience of teenagers because generally most teenagers are know to do this, this therefore also connotes a teen angst film.  

During our filing of OMG we have made some changes to the script. ( all that has been changed is in red writing)

  • Scene 1 changes:

In scene one the only thing that we changed was what Faye says when she wakes up. Instead of saying "what have you done Faye", she now says "oh no what have i done". We made this change because we thought it would sound better and the choice of words now used are more relatable to what a teenager would say. 
  • Scene 2 changes:

In scene two we made some more changes. First of all a group does walk up to the house but in the group is also Charlie (Johnny Crook) and Christian (Niall Hay) therefore now both boys and girls walk up to the house. We did this because we thought a bigger group of people would look more effective. Secondly, we changed from Lucy (myself) having dialogue when the group knocks on the door to her not saying anything. We did his because with no dialogue the party scene flowed better. Finally, we changed where Charlie rushes past the Triple L's to him actually answering Lucy's question, he now says "not anymore". We made this change because by Charlie actually answering the question in the way he did adds to the drama of the situation. 

  • Scene 3 changes: 

In scene three we have made quite a few changes because there was a lot of dialogue which not only isn't generally seen in a teen angst opening but also it would make our film opening too long. Firstly, instead of Faye finding Christian in school we deiced to film Christian walking up to her outside of the school. We did this because we wanted to introduce the fact they were at a school by getting the school sign in but also we thought this would look more effective both friends entering the school together.  Secondly, we changed them walking to their lesson to both Christian and Faye walking into the school together. Thirdly, instead of Faye saying "not here charlie look who's coming", she now says "no not here'. We changed this because we wanted to add an element of surprise when the Triple L's approach Faye rather than the audience already knowing. Finally, we changed the last section of dialogue to instead of Lucy having an argument with Charlie she has an argument with Faye. Lucy says "i thought you were my friend" then Faye says "I'm so sorr" and before Faye finishes her sentence Lucy slaps her around the face. We changed this because we wanted this scene to be shorter but still drama filled in order to connote our genre of teen angst. 

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