Thursday 24 November 2016

Film Titles

 These film titles help to show they are teen angst films as a result of their names and how it looks. Firstly, each film titles connotes that it is a teen angst film in different ways. The word 'wild' is often associated with teenagers are they are stereotypically seen as reblious therefore Wild Child is automatically assumed to be about teenagers. The word 'DUFF' is an abbreviation many teenagers are known and do use abbreviations in their everyday language therefore this film sounds like a film for and about teenagers. Though the title 'Easy A' isn't as obvious it still does relate to teenagers as an 'A' is a grade like you get at school therefore this connotes that the film is about teenagers. 'GBF' is also an abbreviation which therefore relates to teenagers and is assumed too be a film about them. 'Mean Girls' is a very obvious teen angst title due to the fact many teenage girls are associated with being mean therefore it is very easy to guess from the title what the genre is.
Secondly, each way the titles have been displayed also connotes that each of the films are teen angst. Mean Girls and The Duff is in pink, pink is stereotypically associated with girls, the target audience of the film is also girls therefore this helps to attract the target audience and convey the genre of teen angst. Both GBF and Wild Child are in writing with glitter, glitter is also stereotypically what girls like therefore it will attract the target audience and also come across as a teen angst film. Although Easy A isn't in colours associated with teenage stereotypes the way every 'a' in the title and in the list of the actors names connotes that the film is for teen as the colouring in is almost like doodling that many teenagers do on school books or notes when they are bored.

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