Wednesday 30 November 2016

Film Production Title and Annotation

The production name was thought of by Rebecca Pennell, Cerys Thompson, Niall Hay and I, Niall Hay and Cerys Thompson designed the logo and Niall Hay edited it.

Title and Connotations

The titles were analysed by Cerys Thompson and picked by Rebecca Pennell, Niall Hay, Cerys Thompson and I.

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Initial ideas

Had input and written by Rebecca Pennell, Cerys Thompson, Niall Hay and I .

Thursday 24 November 2016

Film Titles

 These film titles help to show they are teen angst films as a result of their names and how it looks. Firstly, each film titles connotes that it is a teen angst film in different ways. The word 'wild' is often associated with teenagers are they are stereotypically seen as reblious therefore Wild Child is automatically assumed to be about teenagers. The word 'DUFF' is an abbreviation many teenagers are known and do use abbreviations in their everyday language therefore this film sounds like a film for and about teenagers. Though the title 'Easy A' isn't as obvious it still does relate to teenagers as an 'A' is a grade like you get at school therefore this connotes that the film is about teenagers. 'GBF' is also an abbreviation which therefore relates to teenagers and is assumed too be a film about them. 'Mean Girls' is a very obvious teen angst title due to the fact many teenage girls are associated with being mean therefore it is very easy to guess from the title what the genre is.
Secondly, each way the titles have been displayed also connotes that each of the films are teen angst. Mean Girls and The Duff is in pink, pink is stereotypically associated with girls, the target audience of the film is also girls therefore this helps to attract the target audience and convey the genre of teen angst. Both GBF and Wild Child are in writing with glitter, glitter is also stereotypically what girls like therefore it will attract the target audience and also come across as a teen angst film. Although Easy A isn't in colours associated with teenage stereotypes the way every 'a' in the title and in the list of the actors names connotes that the film is for teen as the colouring in is almost like doodling that many teenagers do on school books or notes when they are bored.

Thursday 17 November 2016

Film Openings Analysis

Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging:

  • The main character from the start cares about what other people think, this is also shown through other characters for example when one of her friends says "boys don't like girls for funniness".
  • One of the first settings is at a party, parties are stereotypically associated with teenagers as this is something they are shown to like. 
  • Non diegetic upbeat music is used which connotes that the film is about teenagers because this is the type of music they generally listen to. 
  • The main character is seen to be embarrassed by her parents this connotes that the film is about teenagers because teenagers generally are embarrassed of their parents.
  • The main character is seen to be trying to shave her eyebrows with a razor in her bedroom, firstly the bedroom connotes a teenage film because this is generally where teenagers spend most of their time, also the fact she is trying to alter her appearance also connotes a teenage film because teenage girls especially are seen to care about what they look like.


  • The film starts is a cartoon, this connotes a more immature theme therefore connoting that the film is about teenagers.
  • The girl is drinking straight out of the carton which is also seen as younger behaviour, the drink is 'Sunny D' which is a drink that is often associated with younger people, for example teenagers this therefore connotes that it is a teen angst film.
  • The girls is wearing hoodie and jeans this is seen as casual clothing, due teenagers are often seen to be in casual clothing this then connotes a teenage film.

Easy A:
  • There is upbeat music at he start which connotes the film is about teenagers because this is the type of music they generally listen to.
  • The diegetic sound of the school bell connotes that the film is about teenagers because generally going to school is associated with being a teenager. 
  • The main character who is doing the voice overs has a lower tone in her voice and is making sarcastic comments, this connotes the film is about teenagers because teenagers are stereotypically seen to be moody and sarcastic. 
  • From the beginning the main character and her friend are talking about boys this connotes a teenage film because teenage girls are stereotypically known to be very interested in boys. 
Wild Child:

  • The non diegetic music is upbeat and modern this connotes that the film is about teenagers due to the fact this is the music teenagers generally listen to.
  • In the first setting the main character is in her bed, this also connotes a teen angst film due to the fact teenagers are generally seen as lazy.
  • The main character is wearing fashionable, teenage like clothing.
  • She is being rebellious and getting in trouble with her father from the beginning this therefore connotes a teen film as teenagers are stereotypically seen as mischievous.  

  • There is non diegetic, upbeat music at the start connoting a teenage film due to the fact this is greenly what teenagers like to listen to.
  • It shows teenagers laughing, being noisy and having fun this connotes the film is about teenagers because they like to have fun.
  • One of the first settings is in the main characters bedroom, it shows her looking in the mirror, this connotes a teenage film because teenagers are stereotypically known to love themselves and to be self centred. 

13 Going On 30:
  • There is non diegetic, upbeat music.
  • The setting is in a school and you also hear the diegetic sound of a school bell which connotes the film is about teenagers.
  • The main character is unhappy with her school photo this connotes the film is about teenagers due to the fact teenagers are generally judgemental of others and themselves.
  • Tracking is used to show the popular group walking down the corridor, they are shown to be wearing 'stylish' clothes and the main character is seen to be dressed like a 'geek', this connotes a teenage film due to the fact schools generally do have cliques.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Target Audience

Who is most likely to buy my film?

  • The age of the people most likely to buy my film will be from 12-19 because teen angst are aimed at and relatable to teenagers. 
  • People likely to buy my film are most likely to be located in cities or towns because teen angst films are generally set here therefore it is more relatable for these teenagers than those who are living in the countryside. 
  • Females are most likely to buy my film due to the fact teen angst are generally directed at teenage girls therefore they will be aware of this and be more interested than boys. 
  • The income level of those buying my film will be whatever their part time job pays, this is because mostly teenagers are interested in teen angst films, they will still be in eduction and therefore only have a part time job if any.
  • Their educational level will be of whatever they have done so far for example GCSE's or A levels. 
  • Most people buying my film will have normal family set ups either living with both parents or sharing time between each parents houses if they are split up, this is because teenage angst films often focus on family arguments or troubles so this will be relatable to these types of people.  
  • The occupation of those buying my film will generally be part time jobs due to the fact they will be teenagers still in education.
  • The ethnic background of people watching my film will be white.

Preliminary Task 2016

I have learnt many new skills whilst filming and editing my video. Match on action is one new thing I have learnt when filming. Match on action is when the shot cuts straight from one shot to another as the action is occurring. Another thing I have learnt is the 180 degree rule. This rule is where you can only film the action from one side but if you want to cross the line you have to show this in your filming. I have also learnt an important skill of how to edit on premier pro. I've learnt how to cut sections on video and put them together in order to include different editing shots.

Directed by myself, filmed by Rebecca Pennell, actors included Niall Hay, Cerys Thompson and edited Cerys Thompson, Rebecca Pennell and I.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Research Of Production Company Logos

 The idea that the company is called dream works shows that it is almost like a factory where dreams are being created. The fact that
the clouds have been lit up by the moon connotes happiness as a result of the bright lights, this is also important as clouds are generally associated with rain. Also, the purple connotes royalty and power which therefore connotes that dream works have a lot of power in the film industry.

    The stars Connote fame and celebrity, this connotes that the film is from a major film company and will have well known actors as they can afford to hire them. The name Paramount suggest that they are the best and strive to do well. The name is also at the top of the mountain which connotes achievement. The mountain is rugged which suggests it is hard to climb connoting that they have worked hard to get to where they are and the top of the mountain is above the clouds where it is sunny connoting again the fact they have  made it in the film making industry. 

    The name 'Universal' connotes that they are a well known production around the world. It also suggests that the productions will be available everywhere and anywhere. The earth connotes that the productions are out of this world. The fact the font is in gold also connotes that the film company is important and wealthy as gold is often associated with this.

     The name 'Take Two' connotes that you don't always get things right the first time but you will eventually get there. The writing is sans serif which is easy to read therefore the audience are able to recognise the logo straight away. The bold letters 'T' are made out of show reals this emphasises that they are a good company. Also the fact the logo is simple and it black and white conveys that they
    are a traditional company.

    The yellow and blue used in this logo are contrasting course therefore this makes the logo stand out and become memorable. The sky in the background connotes that the Warners Bros aim high and have no limits. The use of serif font connotes that the film will be of the best quality due to the fact the writing is quite formal.

    The spotlights connote that famous people will be in their films therefore that the are a good company. The stairs leading up to the sky connotes that the are achieving greatness. The use of gold writing connote that the company are the best of the best as gold is often associated with being superior. Clouds are normally associated with bad weather whereas in this logo they are lit up by the spotlights therefore they connote happiness.

    The red background is a statement colour which therefore makes the logo stand out. this is a clever logo due to the fact the lines around the word film not only complete the title but it also underlines the word 'film' this therefore emphasises it. The contrast of the red and white also make it stand out and therefore interests the audience.

    The black and white theme connotes that the film company is classic and original. The writing in san serif, this is a simple font therefore it is easy to read and helps to connote the film companies traditional approach. The pattern is the same that you would see on a directors clapper board this connotes the film company is very dedicated to their work.