Sunday 19 February 2017

Evaluation 6 - What Have You Learnt About Technoligies From The Process Of Constructing This Product?

The computer was our most commonly used media technology because it had all he software needed to edit and access our footage. The programme on the computer that we used to edit our film opening was Premier Pro. We used Premier Pro because it is a reliable, fast and easy to use programme which enabled used to upload and edit our footage efficiently. Though I was not the main editor of the film opening I still had some input in editing and the ideas and changes we made. Our group was able to make decisions on different effects and text inserts to create a good video.

On the computer we also used Photoshop to edit create and edit our production company logo. This software enabled us to edit our logo and make changes easily in order to create the best possible company logo. As we learnt more about Photoshop we were able to improve our company logo to make it look professional and realistic.

We also used a digital filming camera to film our content for the opening. The digital filming camera was very convenient because when filming we were able to easily erase unwanted footage, for example if the lighting was incorrect or if the shot was not as we wanted it to look. Due to the fact all of our footage was saved on the cameras hard-drive meant that our footage was able to be uploaded straight to the computer with no extra technology needed apart from the camera lead.

We also used Power Point to make our initial ideas power point this was very helpful as we were able to write about our ideas and present them easily but efficiently. We used Publisher to create a table to then make our risk assessment this software was also very convenient as we were able to make or risk assessment clear and easy to understand with no issues at all, We also used Microsoft Word to write our script  this was a good, reliable piece of software because it was simple to use and we were able to make changes and tweaks with no problems what so ever. Each of these programmes made it easy to save our work therefore not having to worry about losing any work on paper.

When uploading our drafts we had to make our film opening visible to the examiner therefore we had to use YouTube. YouTube was a very reliable programme because we were able to upload our different drafts quickly and productively. To upload all of my course work I have used the programme Blogger, this programme enables me to upload my work with no issues and in an orderly layout therefore making it easy for the examiner to understand and read. I could also upload any photographs or attachments to links without difficulty.

All of these programmes also helped with the evaluation part of my coursework because I could share my target audience feedback and research conclusions.

To plan our acting we also used the social media app Facebook messenger, our group did this to plan and talk about our ideas. We also used iMessage on iPhones to contact our actors and plan the time, date and place of when our filming was going to occur.

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