Saturday 22 October 2016

Film Habits

I have Recently watched Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging. The genre of this film is teen angst therefore whilst watching it i was able to understand further and see what conventions are used and what conventions are similar to what is being used in my film "OMG'. One thing that was similar is the fact my film is opening with a party and so does Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging, this is because parties are stereotypically associated with teenager therefore connoting that the film is teen angst. There is also the element of something embarrassing happening at a party, though the situation in my film 'OMG' and the situation in Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging are different there is still the same emotion, i think this is used to connote the fact the film is teen angst because teenagers are stereotypically known to be embarrassed easily.

Sunday 16 October 2016

Film Habits

Recently i have watched the film Mean Girls 2, due to the fact this film is a teen angst film i was able to see the similarities used between Mean Girls and my film OMG. One similarity i found was the fact there is a gay best friend in both Mean Girls 2 and my film OMG this is a typical teen angst film convection therefore this is why i am using it in my film. There is also conflict between girls, this is also used in my film OMG and is a typical teen angst convention. This teen angst convention especially is used as it is very   relatable to the target audience that is teenagers.

Friday 14 October 2016

Film Habits

    Recently i have watched Wild Child. Wild Child is a teen angst film, therefore whilst watching it i was able to recognise the typical conventions used for this particular genre. Wild Child shows the conflict between two teenage girls over one teenage boy - the 'school heart throb', in my film 'OMG' there is also conflict between two teenage girls over one boy. 

Wednesday 12 October 2016


What I have learnt from my swede

I learnt new skills from recording and editing my swede. I have learnt how to incorporate different camera shots with the different action occurring in the film in order to connote the emotions being shown. For example when the actor was shocked a close up was used to connote this feeling. Therefore I have learnt what camera shots generally to use to portray one particular type of emotion or to show what action is occurring on screen. From editing my swede I learnt the basics of premier pro and how to actually put together my separate clips and how to cut the clips and then make them into a short video.
Filmed by Rebecca Pennell, actors included Niall Hay, Cerys Thompson and I and edited by Cerys Thompson, Niall Hay and I.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Own Film Habits

  • One of my favourite genres of film is teen angst due to the fact i found them the most appealing, entertaining and enjoyable to watch. I think this may be due to the fact they are often very relatable and i am the right age that the target audience of teen angst films are aimed at. Some of my favourite teen angst films are Mean Girls, Easy A and Wild Child purely due to the fact i find them comedic and also find them enjoyable to watch. 

  •  Another genre i particularly enjoy is comedy, this is due to the fact i like films that are funny, although i do enjoy some drama, action and horror films the comedy genre is definitely one of my favourites. Some of my favourite comedy films are Bad Neighbours, 22 Jump Street (although it is a action comedy) and Pitch Perfect 2 (although it is a teen film swell as a comedy).