Monday, 26 September 2016

Teen Angst Film Analysis

Detailed analysis of Easy A’s opening sequence:

The opening sequence of ‘Easy A’ begins with mid-shots of the scene, it includes the American flag, a set of houses and the school grounds, this helps the audience get an early understanding of where the film is set and makes them want to continue watching to find out more. To help portray the setting cutting is used to change from a mid-shot of a housing estate to another mid-shot of the american flag blowing in the wind which enables the audience to see more in a shorter space of time which will keep them watching. As these scenes are being introduced titles of the different actors names are placed on various parts of the long-shot for example on the grass of the school grounds. By using titles this way it keeps the audience interested as they can see what’s going on in the film but are still aware and able to look at the actors who they are about to see. Upbeat music is used throughout the opening sequence this keeps the audience interested due to the fact the target audience (teenagers) generally enjoy upbeat music. The music continues throughout the first two minutes and twenty seconds of the opening sequence but at various points is faded slightly to introduce new sounds such as the school bell, which helps to remind and inform the audience of the setting. Narrative is also introduced, as the music is faded. The narrative is in fact the main character ‘Olive Penderghast.’ who is explaining how this isn’t the ‘typical teenage film’ which adds an element of comedy for the audience. Towards the end of the open sequence a mid-shot of Olive showing her walking down the school corridor is used when she is shown to the audience, this keeps the audience intrigued as they’ve heard her speak, they’ve now seen her so they will then be curious to what is going to happen next.

1 comment:

  1. Some good use of terminology Abbie. Remember to be specific e.g. From one shot to another does not tell us what we see. From the close up on the mum's face to the mid shot of the daughter holding the knife tells us much more. Please go back and add this level of detail. Also re,ember a blog does not mean always writing.
