Friday 16 December 2016

Story board

This is the story board explaining what camera shots are going to used in my film "OMG'. To help me draw and annotate this i referred back to the script i have written in order to make sure the story and the script are showing the same thing at the same time. I did this also to make the different camera shots work with what is happening in the scene. I am going to refer back to the story board whilst i am filming 'OMG' to make sure what is going on in the scene is relatable to the camera shots and that they make sense. For example, a close up is used when Lucy is shocked, this is necessary because close ups are usually used to convey that persons emotion at the time.

Story board drawn by myself and written by Rebecca Pennell and I.

Friday 9 December 2016

OMG Script

This is the script we will be following whilst we film 'OMG'. The script shows who will be saying what and what actions they will be doing.

Written by Rebecca Pennell and I.

Risk Assessment

Input from Rebecca Pennell, Cerys Thompson, Niall Hay and I.